Shaylena (Shay) Dreiling serves as a Sr. Document Specialist in the Operations Department at Phoenix Energy, bringing a few years of valuable experience to her role. Shay has a professional background rooted in the medical field, where she gained extensive experience in data management and fostering interpersonal relationships with the public.

Shay’s key skills and expertise include a keen attention to detail, honed during her time in the Wyoming National Guard since 2019. This skill has been instrumental in ensuring the accuracy of tasks in her current position.

Originally from Casper, WY, Shay enjoys quality time with her family, especially her daughter, and engages in hobbies such as reading and scrapbooking. Guided by the motto “It’s not about ideas, it’s about making ideas happen” by Scott Belsky, Shay is committed to contributing her skills and dedication to the success of Phoenix Energy.